Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Final Concept-Finding star

Finally, I make a mesh looks like starfish but exactly it is not. It just something floating and rotating in the water. I changed my idea that using seaweed as road sign for character to follow into but using the pink rotated starfishes. The reason is both the sea plants and seaweeds for my character are too huge to see them…sometimes when play the game it is hardly to find the green staffs to go out even by myself. To make the way easier and interesting, I added the starfishes into my environment. Well, much easier to find the way out.
Also, I found underwater skybox textures in Unity forum and they makes my cartoon underwater world becomes real.

Final game Concept: After changing my idea of road signs, my game concept changed as well. Start from the center of the maze, Jelly will begin its journey in the maze. All it needs to do is looking for the pink starfish which are continuously floating and rotating on the way and it is easy to find actually. Following with the starfish on the way, it will find the biggest one at the end of the first journey and then access the second level.

The first level has almost been done, the coral level still has problem… It is an unreal world that Jelly can pass the body of corals… I have to give up the original idea about the second level that character goes through the hole of the corals and find something to eat …

Anyway, the camera comes better finally after adjustment of its max speed and other staff… Although it still moves slowly in Unity, it goes well as a unity player fortunately.

Things need to learn soon:
1. My initial idea of food has to be given up due to Health pickup script can not work on my food properly.
2. Mesh collider doesn’t work on my corals.
3. Position and speed of camera.
4. Input manager: set navigation keys both by mouse and keyboard.
5. ….lots staff

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